Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Virginia and Baby Showers!

(Note: The following three posts are new. I know...I was way behind. Happy Reading!) The Wednesday that Kristie and her fam left I took off for VA to visit my parents and David. I had a voucher that needed to be used so I figured what better way than a short vacation home to help break up the last couple months of my pregnancy! It was such a fun trip! Granted I was sick with the Jacob cold the first few days but that didn't stop us from having a good time. My mom and I kept plenty busy (mostly I kept busy just following her around her daily routines!) We went to Eileen's bakery (twice!), went to the temple, had a baby shower...and just hung around the house keeping busy with random things. I even got to see Dad more than I thought I would cause he was home on Monday for President's Day. The three of us went to the gym together that morning and then out for lunch at Panera Bread (one of my favorite restaurants!). I just had so much fun hanging out with them. It was a fun, but short, trip. Mom took me to the Richmond airport Wednesday evening and just about the time she got back home I found out my flight had been canceled due to mechanical problems. I asked them to rebook be through Reagan in the morning (since dad drives up that way to work anyways) and even got a voucher for a cab ride home so that my mom didn't have to come back down and get me. So here was the biggest shocker of the evening...the cab ride home that United paid for...$150! To go 60 miles. I wish they would have just given me the money and I would have found another way home. Holy cow I can't believe people actually spend money on taxi's! that was exciting. I got home and my mom and I watched American Idol and I went to sleep, got up 4 hrs later and drove back to another airport with my dad. It was funny as I was driving back into our neighborhood I was thinking, I didn't think I would be back here so soon again! It was kind of frustrating but in the the cab driver put it...I got to spend one more night with my momma! I had such a great time hanging out with her for a week! And she, yet again, pulled off a fabulous shower! She always does things so perfectly. Thanks mom for all of your hard work and for all the baby clothes and the good food and just for a great week overall! It was so sad to leave. I hate when vacations end...and I had to be back to work the night I got home so that always puts a damper on things. The one good part about it was I got to be with Nathan again! I realized as I was in Virginia that this was the first time in 2 years of marriage that we had been apart for more than a couple days! Pretty impressive, actually. I love him so much and he actually kept the house pretty dang clean for me...much to my surprise! What a guy!
We did a Valentine's themed Baby Shower since it was held on Valentine's Day! Didn't my mom do a great job?!
Yup...that's me as a baby! Pretty cute, huh? :)
These are the cute little party favor's we made.
Me, Mom and Dad at the DC Temple.
Mom and David! They're so cute!
Belly pics...(28.4 & 28.5 wks)


Kristie said...

mom is so good at throwing parties--i'm glad you got to go home and see her! you look so cute, i can't wait to rub your belly for good luck--tomorrow!

Andrea Forsyth said...

i'm so glad i get to see you this weekend! i miss you! and i'm super jealous you can go to the temple...i end up nearly passing out each time, so i stopped trying.

you look so good!

The Thelins said...

Cute belly! I love the Valentine's themed shower. What a waste of $150... I wish for you that they would have just given you the cash! I'm more than a little sad that you're going to be visiting UT and we don't even live there anymore!

Marianne Thelin said...

How fun that you got to be home before the baby comes; I know as the "momma" nothing is better than having the chicklets home....especially those who live far, far away! Have fun in Utah and give a hug to my little chicklet there!

Thelin Family said...

You are so cute pregnant. I am so excited for you guys. I have been getting on ichat with nathan but you are never there... maybe next time. Great post. Your family is so cute, I miss them

Jerai Moulton said...

So I need to comment on the last three of your posts. First of all, the cake you made for Nathan, classic Jessica cake, decorated with berries and all!! I loved it!! Secondly, you can't have Kristie--you can't take her away from me!! Too many people are leaving me behind here in Utah and I've decided enough is enough! (However, I do have to say Utah has become "home" to me along with Oregon.) Thirdly, I'm so glad that you got to go home, especially one last time by yourself, well at least with no baby. While have a baby is awesome, it will never be the same again. It was so much fun to see you up here this last week. I hope you had a good time at your shower, it was a lot of fun to plan and throw!

Plaster Family said...

Jess you are looking so good! I can't believe it is only a little over a month away. Your mom is amazing bytheway. Those baby shower decorations and the food look amazing. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your family back at home. Good luck with this final will be over before you know it. And I still need your address!!!

Ashley said...

Wow, you still look so tiny! I felt like a cow looking at your prego pictures. I am happy you got to see your family before the baby comes. Your Mom did a excellent job on your shower. You are definitely related to her.

Sabine Schindler said...

Jess, I'm so way behind reading everyone's posts.I'm glad you wrote about our fun time together. Does that mean I don't need to post anything about it or could just add a link again? I'm so glad you came and we were able to have a baby shower for you. I can't wait to see you with baby next time!! Yeah!

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

You are an adorable pregnant lady! Sorry I missed the fun at the shower! You'll understand when you're running around after 3 or 4 or more....