Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can you guess what we're having?!

We were lucky enough to go in for an early ultrasound at our beloved Dr. Judd's office in Provo last week.  I was about 95% sure it would be a girl.  I think my entire family was about that sure we were having a girl as well.  In fact, I'm pretty sure my mom had already bought a couple of girl items.  But as you can see, we were definitely wrong!  There's no doubt about it...our little baby is a boy!  Nathan was very proud.  :)  I'm super excited.  Being with my nephew Jake all week is making me even more excited for a little boy.  And it'll be so fun to have Jake and our boy so close in age!  So now the fun begins.  Picking a name, buying boys stuff...I'm so excited to start!  I was totally set with girl names so now I've got a little bit of a challenge ahead of me...especially since Nathan and I seem to be butting heads on the name issue.  Oh well...I guess we've still got 5 more months to figure it out.  

As for other news...we've been having a blast here in Utah since last Wednesday.  Nathan's sister Erin got married on Friday so we had a fun and busy few days with his family...and now we're just chillin with my family at Kristie's house.  I'm already getting weepy when I think about leaving on Friday!  It's so great to be with family!  I'll post some pictures of the wedding and such as soon as I get my hands on some!    



Congrats Jessica!! That is great, you know Jeremy is a good name, j/k, Have fun trying to figure out what to name him!!

Kendra said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! I could not be more excited for you guys! A little boy - that's perfect! Funny thing is... for some reason I had thought that you already knew what you were having and that it was a girl - weird. The picture is pretty clear. :) Anyway, I loved the baby name book called "The Baby Name Wizard". You should check it out. And if you find extra time while you are here in Utah (ha ha) you should definitely drop by to say hi and see my baby boy. Oh - I am SO excited for you!!! CONGRATS!!!!!

Karen said...

Yipee! Jess I am so excited for you guys! I've heard it seems much more real when you know what you are having. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy being in Utah with family...I am sooooo jealous!

jax from the harmon squad said...

Yay for boys! They are so fun, but just to warn you (and Kristie) come toddler years, they are exhausting! I still prefer them over girls though (I'll probably say that until I actually have a girl). Cant wait to see the little guy in a few months!

Meghan and Tyler said...

Hurray! Congrats, he is definetly a boy. Looking at your ultrasound picture comforts me a little. I wasn't too sure about our ultrasound tech, but our baby didn't have one of those, so I guess he was right and she is a girl. As soon as our children are born, I am going to start planning the wedding :) j/k, but that would be cool though. It was so great seeing you and Nate, even if we wished it were longer. You guys are the bomb.com and we love you tons. Enjoy your time in Utah and tell the Family "hallo".

- said...

COngrats! thats so exciting! bretts gonna be totally jealous when I tell him! congrats again and I need your guys' address for christmas cards you can e-mail me emilyannturner@yahoo.com

Molly said...

Congratulations! Jake and your baby are going to be such cute little cousins! I'm 95% certain I'm having a girl, so I'll probably be having a boy around the same time as you!

The Thelins said...

Congratulations on the boy! We're so happy for you guys. Even though girls are way more fun to dress, it will be so great that he and Jake will have each other! We miss you guys. I'm glad you have been having a great break with your family.

Andrea Forsyth said...

congrats jess (and nathan)! i'm glad to know i'm not the only one who has no "mother's intuition" - i was totally expecting a girl. oh well:) sounds like it's nerf guns for all of us!

no worries about not meeting up - there's always next time. i'm glad you got to be with family. that takes priority:)

take care of yourself! love ya!

Kayla said...

I am just tickled for you! I am so glad everything is going well. Did you hear about Dr. Gordon?

Molly said...

So, last night I went out and bought mini-muffins, capri-suns, and go-gurts. They are very convenient, semi-healthy midnight (or two or four am) snacks. Just thought I'd share!

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Congratulations! How exciting. I look forward to all the blogs of progress! I know your parents are thrilled.