It’s been awhile since I’ve written an update on Sawyer. I’m afraid that he’s growing
up too fast and before I know it, I’ll be looking back on this time wondering where
it went! So I guess I should at least try to preserve his toddler years in pictures and
words. After several weeks of being sick (more like months—toddlers really know
how to find all the germs in town!), we are all starting to feel more like ourselves
again and with that comes an increased appreciation for all of the many ways that
we are blessed each day.
When my little Sawyer is well rested and healthy, he really is such a joy to be
around. He has been communicating so much more this past month. There aren’t
many words that he won’t try and repeat after you. And he definitely makes an
attempt to relay his thoughts about everything…it’s just a matter of being able to
understand what those dang words are! But I’m getting better at recognizing the
words and he’s getting better at saying them, so I figure it won’t be too long before
we’re able to carry on a conversation.
This is one kid who knows what he wants! Let’s just say that we’ve had several
sneak peeks into that wonderful world known as the “terrible twos’. His LEAST
favorite things to do: go back inside the house, sit in the shopping cart, go shopping
at all, go to Nursery (only cause it’s in the middle of nap time), hold mommy’s
hand while going down the stairs (or ever for that matter), and let’s not forget…be
told ‘NO’. Fortunately, both Sawyer and parents are slowly learning how to deal
with these situations…and for all those other times, well, thank goodness we’re not
2 years old forever .
On a more positive note, Sawyer has a lot of FAVORITE things to do as well. These
include going to the park, ransacking the library bookshelves, playing ‘horsey’ with
daddy, watching ‘Mo-mo” (elmo), pushing buttons—literally anything electronic,
playing with his ‘Choo-choo Rain’, watching the ‘woof woof’ outside the window,
buckling himself into his booster seat, climbing the shelves of the pantry, hiding in
the fridge, saying ‘bye bye’ to pretty much anything (including the toilet paper he so
lovingly flushes down the toilet while saying ‘bye bye stinkies’…hasn’t quite grasped
what stinkies really are yet), watching videos of himself or other kids he knows, re-
discovering all of the baby gadgets that we are slowly bringing back out for the next
one, giving hugs & kisses, going up and down the stairs all by himself (with mommy
following closely), using keys to ‘unlock’ anything that looks like a keyhole, and
recognizing anything and everything that might be considered an ‘owie’ or might
cause an ‘owie’.
Some favorite foods include: ‘tot dogs’ (turkey dogs), ‘sheese’ (cheese), ANY
fruit, ‘mees’ (broccoli/trees), carrots, fruit snacks, milk, ‘Shjooce’ (juice), yogurt,
cereal, and of course chocolate or candy of any variety. He pretends to like my trail
mix but I’m pretty sure he just picks all of the M&M’s out of the bag. Overall we’ve
gotten pretty lucky with this one…for the most part he will eat whatever Nathan and
I are eating for dinner. He’s not too picky but he definitely has his favorites.
Sawyer takes one nap in the afternoons (in his big boy bed) and generally sleeps for
about 2-3 hours. I will so miss those naps one day! He’s always been a good sleeper
at night, too, and continues to get in about 12 hrs each night. Although lately we’ve
seen a little more manipulation out of him when it comes to bedtime …he will say
and do anything to postpone it if he can!
While his energy level is seriously out of control and he is CONSTANTLY learning
something new and finding something else to get into…he’s a happy kid and super
sweet. He loves to play and laugh, give hugs, and even fold his arms for prayers!
He is going to be such a good ‘big brother’ in a couple months. He loves babies and
as long as we can teach him to be ‘gentle’ I think his little sister will love him too.
Nathan and I constantly find ourselves looking at him in amazement…wondering
how we got such a cute kid! I’m so grateful to have him as my little buddy
everyday…so grateful that I get to stay home with him. Working my Friday night
shift each week makes me even more grateful for that! We love him so much and he
brings us joy and happiness everyday.
I just went through the past couple months of pictures and found a bunch that I never got around to posting. So most of these are a few months old...