A few weeks ago we had a fluke weather week in the 70s and 80s. It was heaven! October is always my least favorite month here in AZ because you are just SOO ready for fall weather and it just takes FOREVER to cool down. So Kristie and I decided to take advantage and head down to the zoo. We renewed our memberships so I'm sure we will be having many more zoo-ventures in the coming months! It was a beautiful day and the boys loved every minute of it. In true Jessica fashion, I wore jeans and a cardigan thinking that 75 degrees was warm clothing weather! I never seem to learn my lesson because I do it every single year. I guess I just can't wait to get those winter clothes back out! So instead of enjoying the cooler air in my shorts and t-shirt...I sweated it out under the warm sun in my long layers. Sheesh...at least it was super comfortable in the shade!

The boys were pretty excited to take a picture in front of the 'RIO' bird

MY personal favorite...the giraffes

This was the first time that Sawyer actually enjoyed the carousel...in fact he LOVED it! This time he cried when it was over because he wanted to go again.

There's a little someone peeking out from that top window!

This just makes me laugh. Why do I have to grasp the back of my child's shirt to keep him from hurling himself over the railing and down 20 feet into the water? You'd think he'd recognize the danger there...