Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

So in an effort to be festive today, I tried my hand at a little baking and made an Irish Soda Bread! It was actually quite easy and turned out pretty yummy (I thought so anyways...).
And for dinner...A GREEN PIZZA. (aka, avocado and chicken and stuff)...I know it doesn't look super appetizing (unless you're a pro photographer or master chef, food pictures never turn out that great) but it tasted delish!
So that's how we celebrated St. Patrick's Day at our house this year...

And while we're on the subject of food, here's a classic spaghetti face for your enjoyment. (Notice the top two outside teeth and the absence of the top two middle...slightly out of order but oh well...we like vampires :) )
And this is how Sawyer figured he'd help me do laundry the other day. More like be the laundry.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Children's Museum

Wow so I'm about to make blogging history. I'm actually writing about an event that happened TODAY! Not yesterday or a week ago or, most typically, a month or two ago--today. I figured, what the heck? I'll stay on top of things for once.

Today we visited the Phoenix Children's Museum with Nathan's sister, Brooke, and 2 of her kids, Talmage and Avery. We had a blast. There were so many cool and creative things to do there. The kids loved it. Even Sawyer. Mostly he loved the "3 and under" room. I loved it too because I could literally let him roam around and not worry about him breaking anything. Oh except other children. I'm always a little worried he might break them. He's got a pretty vicious grip, slap, and pinch. But he seriously loved all of the little activities there. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

This picture below is just before Sawyer discovered that he was not as fast as he thought. That walker is pretty dang speedy! Little Sawyer feet can't quite keep up yet!

Sawyer trying to 'help' Avery make a pizza (I'm trying to release the death grip he's got on her arm)! They didn't get very far.

Sneaking around with daddy in the noodle forest (above).
He wasn't too excited about the sand. Kept looking at his hands like, "What the heck is this stuff?!?"...then wiping his hands on his jeans. Like mother like son.

These next pictures are from the park the other day. Sawyer's first time on a swing. He LOVED the swing! We will be going back. Good thing it's right next door to us!

And he was totally suicidal on the slide. I'm definitely holding his foot behind him.

Nathan has been out of school this past week and it's been so nice to have him home and just hang out and do fun things together! We are so sad the break is coming to an end. He was also lucky enough to have some dental surgery right before his break. I forgot to take any pictures of his swollen mouth but he was looking a lot like a 'Whoo' of 'Whooville' for a few days there. This is the only picture I had where you could kind of see it (click on it to enlarge).

In other news, we've had quite a month. Nate's sister, Andrea, got married on Feb 19th in the Mesa temple. As soon as I get some pictures of that event I'll post them. Sawyer was pretty stylin' in his teal bow tie and cumber bun! (If you're on facebook there are a few pictures on there already)

Also, Sawyer took his first steps on Feb 10th! He's now pretty good at about 4-6 steps at a time. He's also figured out how to use surrounding objects (box, backpack, someone's leg, etc) to climb onto higher objects (couch, end tables). Ahhh!! We're seriously in trouble now. Toilets have become a very exciting thing as have any 'doors' that he can open and close. I think I've got my work cut out for me now. How do people do this with more than 1?!

And finally, Sawyer turned 10 months on Feb 29th! I can hardly believe he's getting so old!

For those of you not on facebook, here is the video of Sawyer taking a couple steps!

And last but not least, one of Sawyer's favorite new activities...(please excuse the partial nudity :) )