So it's over. Our much anticipated trip to Maui was all we hoped and dreamed for...but all good things must come to an end, unfortunately. We took off a week ago monday morning...early morning. I'm talkin', we were on the road at 4:50 am. Although we didn't get very far. About 1/4 mile onto the freeway we heard a loud pop and the car started shaking. Nathan pulled off to the side and, sure enough, we had a flat. In the pitch black Sydney (who was driving us) held a flashlight for Nathan while he skillfully changed the tire, and gave Andrea (Nate's sister) an early morning wake-up call... Within 15 min the tire had been changed, Andrea had brought us a 'functioning vehicle', and we were back on our way. From then on out it was smooth sailing!
For those who didn't know about our planned trip to the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii...we were so lucky to go with Justin and Ashley (my cousin Justin/Nathan's sister Ashley...who happen to be married...long story) and their two girls (Macie is 7; Marley is 5). Justin had a work conference there that week and we got to play while he worked hard. :) We stayed at the Hyatt Resort in Lahaina, Maui. It was an amazing resort. Awesome pools, beautiful view, scenic beaches, delicious food and the world's best pina coladas! Pretty much heaven, right? :) We thought so. We spent several days just chillin at the pool/beach. It was perfect...Nathan played in the water with the girls (he loved it)...and Ash and I just relaxed and layed out in the sun. We made good use of their great gym with a view of the beach and personal tv's on the treadmills (love it!). Went snorkeling one day at Molikini (the tip of a volcanic crater that juts out of the ocean and creates a calm spot...great for snorkeling). I will admit I totally conquered a fear that day...jumping into the black water in the middle of the ocean was not initially appealing to me...but it turned out to be so much fun! Even the girls did it! We went on a couple hikes...jumped into some waterholes (except for me due to the fact that I was COVERED in mosquito bites and didn't want to wash off my bug spray!) Nathan and I drove the "Road to Hana" on our last day there (Ashley and the fam had already gone). We got to go to a Luau. And, what Nathan and I consider one of the best/most accomplished aspects of our trip...we have a new found love for seafood!! Anything from swordfish, to mahi mahi, to opakapaka (sp?)...we love it all!!!! I never thought Nathan would agree...but we seriously went on a seafood binge while we were there and it was awesome!
So...I could go on and on. But I think you all get the point...we had a blast! :) I love Hawaii. It was such a sad day when we had to come home and go back to work. But there's always the next thing to look forward to...and for me that next thing is Kristie's induction on Saturday!! That's right--Kristie is going to be induced on Saturday morning (April 26th) and I get to be her nurse and I'm going to have an official nephew!!! Can't wait! And then a week later my parents are going to come out and spend a week with us! Life is good, people. I am so grateful for the many, many blessings in my life.